Kingdom Hearts Roleplay
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Boss / Villain Suggestion: Chaos

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Boss / Villain Suggestion: Chaos Empty Boss / Villain Suggestion: Chaos

Post by RikohZX Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:52 pm

Boss / Villain Suggestion: Chaos DissidiaChaosRender

Name: Chaos

Age: While this variable is unknown, it ultimately does not matter due to his status as a God.

Personality: Chaos is an intelligent being, knowing of circumstances that even the greatest mages may not know of. Filled with rage and hatred at both light and darkness, he is more than willing to eliminate both as it comes down to it. Despite this, he is calm and collected outside of battle and is very reasonable - even willing to demonstrate mercy to those who he believes deserve it. Nonetheless, once Chaos steps up to fight or is angered, all bets are off, and if one betrays him, they'll quickly discover why he's feared.

Race: [Configurable]

Weapon: Abyss Sword
Boss / Villain Suggestion: Chaos Dissidia-ChaosSword

Class: God of Destruction

Hellfire: Chaos' primary element is fire, but rather than typical Fire spells and their sublevels, Chaos has full utilization of the flames from Hell itself. Uncounterable by Ice or Blizzard spells (unless by a being able to equal his power), these flames can be used for various methods of attack, and even defense. The damage they inflict are severe and nigh-unblockable / unreflectable. (This elemental alignment does create one of his sole weaknesses, however, if one can get past his attacks to utilize it.)

Flight & Teleportation: Chaos has full access to teleportation and flight abilities.

[EX Mode]
Chaos emits a large boost of power within his body for a temporary amount of time, amplifying his speed and attacks to post-god levels. Only a rivaling god or someone able to kill them is likely to stand a chance of surviving an onslaught of attacks from Chaos' EX Mode.

[EX Burst]
Utter Chaos: Chaos turns into a godly giant and separates the fighting area as a floating, barrier-ed zone as he circles around; from there, he delivers a series of swipes from Abyss Sword upon the battle area, inflicting massive explosions, pillars of hellfire and otherwise. Can also be used in direct attacks as long as they're against the floor. Afterwards, the attack proceeds into;

Brink of Delusion ; The Final Fantasy - Chaos summons three more swords around himself, and then flings them into the sides of the floating area; they promptly create fields of energy on the ground, dealing immense damage in the form of massive explosions if one is unable to get away fast enough - such damage is high enough to inflict an instant death upon an unwitting victim. After this attack, the battle area reverts to how and where it was (aside from damages inflicted by Chaos himself).

Additional Information:
Chaos is neither light nor darkness, and thus is immune to damaging side-effects of a Keyblade primarily aligned with either. Furthermore the chances of killing Chaos are extremely slim considering that, being a literal God (and of penultimate Boss level), his endurance to regular magic and attacks along with both the light and dark are extraordinary.

[Other additional info and backstory are up to whoever were to play/create him.]


Last edited by RikohZX on Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:10 pm; edited 13 times in total

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-07-20
Age : 31

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Boss / Villain Suggestion: Chaos Empty Boss / Villain Suggestion: Feral Chaos

Post by RikohZX Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:09 pm

Boss / Villain Suggestion: Chaos DesperadoChaosRender

Name: Feral Chaos

Personality: Whether driven insane or 'killed' and brought back, whatever was left of Chaos' senses are now gone; all that is left is madness and the primal instinct to destroy everything and everyone that so much as exists. Feral Chaos cannot even speak, only roar, snarl and grunt. To this effect, Feral Chaos is a combat berserker, attempting to rip apart whoever stands in his way as fast and brutally as possible.

Weapon: Bare Claws

Class: The Harbinger of the Abyss

Hellfire: Feral Chaos' primary element is fire, but rather than typical Fire spells and their sublevels, Feral Chaos has full utilization of the flames from Hell itself. Uncounterable by Ice or Blizzard spells (unless by a being able to equal his power), these flames can be used for various methods of attack, and even defense. The damage they inflict are severe and nigh-unblockable / unreflectable. (Unlike regular Chaos, Feral Chaos does not suffer from an opposing elemental weakness due to this.)

Wide Palette of Magic: Aside from Fire spells and their sublevels, Feral Chaos has access to every single other offensive spell aside from Light or Dark ones and ultimates (Ultima, Flare, Holy, etc.) that do not require weapons. This includes Kingdom Hearts magic, Final Fantasy main series magic (all titles), and Final Fantasy Tactics series magic. [Whether Feral Chaos is intelligent enough, in his berserk state, to use them is up to the player.]

Flight & Teleportation: Feral Chaos has full access to teleportation and flight abilities.

[EX Mode]
Feral Chaos has access to a temporary boost in power that amplifies all of his attacks - generally speaking, unless they were able to somehow match up, any damaging attacks against someone in an EX Mode Feral Chaos would likely be an instant-kill from the sheer damage output.

[EX Burst]
Regnum Dei - As if exemplifying Feral Chaos' insanity, his penultimate attack has him knocking his victim[s] into an alternate pocket dimension where their attacks do no harm to him. From there, for approximately twenty seconds (not real-time considering roleplay), Feral Chaos can utterly rip apart the helpless victim[s] while they can only pointlessly try to flee. After the twenty seconds are up, Feral Chaos teleports to the victim[s] and leads into-

Nexus Ultimus - All targets trapped within the Regnum Dei are suddenly bound in place, as Feral Chaos summons a vast number of his Abyss Swords from his normal form to impale the target[s]. Once this is done, he promptly raises one of his claws and thrusts it for the victim[s]; this is almost always going to be an instant-kill one way or another. At this point the dimension fades out and Feral Chaos along with any possibly living victim[s] return to where they were. If one dies to Nexus Ultimus, they are erased from existence entirely.

Notice: Regnum Dei and Nexus Ultimus can be cancelled out mid-progress by an opposing Limit Break or EX Burst (or whatever qualifies).

Additional Information:
Feral Chaos is neither light nor darkness, and thus is immune to damaging side-effects of a Keyblade primarily aligned with either. Furthermore the chances of killing Feral Chaos are extremely slim considering that, being a literal God (and of Final / Post-Final Extra Boss level), his endurance to regular magic and attacks along with both the light and dark are extraordinary. Because of Feral Chaos' extreme amounts of power, he is also unbound by regular Magic Cost limitations and can freely enter EX Mode as he wishes (although he cannot keep it on all battle long); EX Burst can only be used once per battle (but can be reused if cancelled out before finished) however.

[Additional info is up to whoever were to play/create him.]

Created by insanity, a final attempt at life or otherwise (depending on what happens in the RP), Feral Chaos is a broken and insane Chaos giving into the power of the abyss. Driven to madness, all that lies in his mind is the annihilation of all existence - good or evil, light or dark. Nothing is safe from the God of the Abyss.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-07-20
Age : 31

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